Proteins are made From amino acids by The Process Of Proteins are made from amino acids by the process of

Proteins are made from amino acids by the process of

A. पानी
B. पिनोसाइटोसिस
C. निर्जलीकरण संश्लेषण
D. सक्रिय ट्रांसपोर्ट
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प्रोटीन अमीनो एसिड से किस प्रक्रिया द्वारा बनते हैं? - Proteins are made from amino acids by the process of - Protein Amino Acid Se Kis Prakriya Dwara Bante Hain ?  Biology जीव विज्ञान in hindi,    question answers in hindi pdf   questions in hindi, Know About Biology जीव विज्ञान online test Biology जीव विज्ञान notes in hindi quiz book    

