Reasoning Reasoning Odd one out classification questions answers

Q.60041: बताएं कि इनमें से कौन-सा एक ऐसा है, जो अन्य से भिन्न है ?
A. अनानास
B. ऑरेंज
C. नींबू
D. केला
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बताएं कि इनमें से कौन-सा एक ऐसा है, जो अन्य से भिन्न है ? - Explain which one of these is different, which is different from the other? - Reasoning Odd one out classification questions answers Reasoning in hindi,  Odd one out quiz question answers in hindi pdf  test questions in hindi, Know About online Reasoning online test Reasoning notes in hindi quiz book    in hindi

Geeta bishnoi on 18-11-2023

A,B ki maa hai ,C,D ka pita hai, B,E ki Nani hai,F,D ka dada hai to F or A me sambandh btaye

Anonymous on 01-01-1900

reasoning ke aur chapter nahi hai kya hai to update please. necessary action in this regard, grateful you.

Anonymous on 01-01-1900

अनानास, आॅरेंज ,केला तीनों का ज्युस बनता है जबकि नींबू का नहीं