यदि ‘काला’ का अर्थ ‘सफेद’, ‘सफेद’ का अर्थ है ‘लाल’, ‘लाल’ का अर्थ है पीला, पीला का अर्थ है ‘नीला’, ‘नीला’ का अर्थ है ‘हरा’, ‘हरा’ का अर्थ है ‘बैंगनी’ और ‘बैंगनी’ का अर्थ है ‘नारंगी’ तो साफ आकाश का रंग क्या है ? - If 'black' means 'white', 'white' means 'red', 'red' means yellow, yellow means 'blue', 'blue' means 'green', 'green' Meaning 'purple' and 'purple' means 'orange', then what is the color of the clear sky? - reasoning questions pdf Yadi ‘kaala’ Ka Arth ‘Safed Reasoning in hindi, Coding Decoding reasoning question answers in hindi pdf Coding Decoding questions in hindi, Know About reasoning Reasoning online test Reasoning notes in hindi quiz book Logical reasoning