his = उसके(pronoun) (Uske)
His can be used to refer to someone whose sex is not known or stated. Some people dislike this use and prefer to use 'his or her' or 'their'.
...the relations between a teacher and his pupils.
/usake, uske/
उसके साथ जाओ। Go with him.
उसके बाद =after that.
यह आईसक्रीम उसके लिए है। =This icecream is for him/her.
बैंक उसके घर के पास है। = Bank is near his home.
उसके नीड में रख देती है । कोयल के उस बच्चे को कौआ अपना बच्चा समझ पालता है ।
His can be used to refer to someone whose sex is not known or stated. Some people dislike this use and prefer to use 'his or her' or 'their'.
...the relations between a teacher and his pupils.
/usake, uske/
उसके meaning in english