Reasoning Directions (Q. 22 – 26): Sita, Rajinder and Surinder are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Maudkigal. Renu, Raja and Sunil are the children of Mr and Mrs Bhaskar. Sunil and Sita are married couple and Ashok and Sanjay are their children. Geeta and Rakesh are the children of Mr and Mrs Jain. Geeta is married to Surinder and has three children, Rita, Sonu and Raju. How is Rakesh related to Surinder?

Q.60408: Directions (Q. 22 – 26): Sita, Rajinder and Surinder are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Maudkigal. Renu, Raja and Sunil are the children of Mr and Mrs Bhaskar. Sunil and Sita are married couple and Ashok and Sanjay are their children. Geeta and Rakesh are the children of Mr and Mrs Jain. Geeta is married to Surinder and has three children, Rita, Sonu and Raju. How is Rakesh related to Surinder?
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