General Science NimnLikhit Me Se Kiski kusankriya Ke Karan Manav Sharir Me mixodeema Hota Hai ?

Q.12054: निम्नलिखित में से किसकी कुसंक्रिया के कारण मानव शरीर में मिक्सोडीमा होता है ?
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निम्नलिखित में से किसकी कुसंक्रिया के कारण मानव शरीर में मिक्सोडीमा होता है ? - Myxoedema occurs in the human body due to the malfunction of which of the following? - NimnLikhit Me Se Kiski kusankriya Ke Karan Manav Sharir Me mixodeema Hota Hai ? General Science in hindi,  Biology agnashay granthi question answers in hindi pdf  yakrut questions in hindi, Know About adhivrikk granthi General Science online test General Science MCQS Online Coaching in hindi quiz book    avtu granthi

Ritik on 21-07-2024


Priyanka gupta on 19-09-2021

A force F be acting on a body free to rotate about a point O and r the position vector of any point P on the line of the force.thetorque of this force about point O is defined as (i^- j^+6k^)×(2i^+3j^-k^) is
